List of conspiracy theory websites

Post date: Nov 18, 2013 2:0:37 PM

A "conspiracy theory" often tries to offer an explanation for certain situations, occurences or incidents. In most cases, it is claimed that that the truth is being "supressed" by certain interest groups, secret societies, governments or other instances of power. Usually, it is also believed that the media is manipulated by these same instances, to prevent the truth from leaking out. As a result, various conspiracy theory websites have been created, which present themselves as respectable and trustable news sites. In reality, however, they usually spread (unsubstantiated) conspiracy theories, and in certain cases also hoaxes or even quackery. This goes far beyond a sceptic outlook on news facts, and even tends toward paranoia. Information offered by these websites cannot be used as a reliable source for us, and we recommend to use them with caution.

Conspiracy theories often deal with subjects such as 9/11, HAARP, Bilderberg, vaccine denial, aspartame, Big Pharma, chemtrails, and the Rothschild family, as well as the fictional Illuminati, New World Order, and the Reptilian Aliens of David Icke. Naturally, there are various other known and lesser known conspiracy theories.

Below, you will find a list of various conspiracy theories, although this list is by no means ever complete. A list of Dutch websites can be found under the menu link "Lijst van Complottheorieënwebsites".

  • Above Top Secret ( - focusses on conspiracy theories and contains a large discussion forum about these topics (more info).

  • Before Its News ( - focusses on various conspiracy theories such as chemtrails, HAARP, Sandy Hook shooting denial, Bilderberg, New World Order, Illuminati and even the Reptilian Aliens (going from Obama to Miley Cyrus) of archconspiracist David Icke, as well as quackery such as the graviola hoax and vaccine denial.

  • Data Asylum ( - focusses on chemtrails and mind control, claiming e.g. "movies" as evidence. They also offer a "cure".

  • David Icke ( - website of the former football player with the same name, who now focusses on a variety of conspiracy theories concerning chemtrails and Monsanto, HAARP, 9/11, the Rothschild family, Bilderberg, Obama's birth certificate, Sandy Hook shooting denial, pedophilia conspiracy theories, Obamacare death panels, ADHD denial, Codex Alimentarius, vaccine denial, aspartame, Big Pharma, fluoride, the graviola hoax and other quackery. In short, a mixture of all thinkable and unthinkable conspiracy theories, the crazyer the merrier, naturally also including the Illuminati, New World Order, Global Elite, UFO's, aliens, the Moon Matrix, and sometimes even Holocaust denial. He also invented the theory that various important families, politicians and royalty are actually alien "reptilians" in human form, with even movies referring to them (more info).

  • Fractured Paradigm ( - focusses on conspiracy theories such as chemtrails, Bilderberg, HAARP, Boston bombing denial, Illuminati, New World Order, etc...

  • Global Truth ( - focusses on links to conspiracy theories concerning HAARP, chemtrails (you know, "poeple" getting sick from its "poisen"), mind control, Bilderberg, aspartame, vaccine denial, Illuminati, and even the denial of global warming.

  • Godlike Productions ( - focusses on various conspiracy theories, and contains a large discussion tforum about these topics, comparable to Above Top Secret. This website is rather a massive forum instead of a news blog. Even their own disclaimer clearly states: "Don't believe a damn word you read on this website!" (more info).

  • GreenMedInfo ( - focusses on quackery and various conspiracy theories about "Big Pharma", including vaccine denial, fluoride, aspartame, chemtrails, as well as quackery such as the graviola hoax and even chemotherapy as child abuse.

    • Healing Food Reference ( - Website of the self-proclaimed "Health Ranger" Mike Adams, who uses various hoaxes and conspiracy theories as his sources. See also his other website "Natural News", on which the search function of the website is entirely based.

    • Info Wars ( - focusses primarily on conspiracy theories such as chemtrails, HAARP, Obama's birth certificate, Illuminati and New World Order, as well as pseudoscience such as vaccine denial, the graviola hoax. The webmaster, Alex Jones, also owns the similar PrisonPlanet TV (more info).

    • Internet Chronicle ( - This website is actually a satire news medium which focusses on various conspiracy theories such as Illuminati, chemtrails, HAARP, New World Order, aliens, etc... Many conspiracy theory websites use the Internet Chronicle and cite it as a reliable source, without realizing it's just a satire website.

    • Mercola ( - webshop trying to make money with food supplements by the spreading of conspiracy theories such as aspartame, codex alimentarius, chemtrails, vaccins, etc... Webshops spreading such unreliable information should be avoided at all costs.

    • Natural News ( - focusses on conspiracy theories concerning modern science, in an attempt to legitimze quack medicine (such as dubious cancer treatments), as well as other alternative healing practices. He also spreads other hoaxes, including "chemtrails", denial of the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut, ... The author Mike Adams is also a "birther (the denial of President Obama's birth certificate), a supporter of Ron Paul and arch-conspiracist David Icke (more info).

  • Natural Society ( - focusses on conspiracy theories concerning Big Pharma and medicine, such as chemtrails, codex alimentarius, Monsanto, and even Illuminati and New World Order, as well as quackery such as the graviola hoax.

  • Natural TV ( - focusses on hoaxes and conspiracy theories, such as the graviola/soursop hoax and other forms of quack medicine and therapies..

  • NaturalPedia ( - Website of self-proclaimed "Health Ranger" Mike Adams, who uses hoaxes and conspiracy theories as his sources. See also his other website "Natural News".

  • No More Fake News ( - focusses on conspiracy theories concerning medicine and politics, such as vaccin denial, in order to try and sell very expensive books and audio presentations.

  • Raw For Beauty ( - blog and webshop about food, which spreads numerous hoaxes and other faulty/misleading information, such as the graviola/soursop hoax and other quack medicine and therapies, as well as conspiracy theories concerning "Big Pharma". The website also shares information from the outright paranoid and unreliable website Webshops who offer wrong information and quack medicine cannot be trusted with the products they offer for sale. It is to the benefit of your own health to avoid this website entirely.

  • ( - focusses on quackery and medical conspiracy theories, including the graviola hoax, Big Pharma, aspartame, vaccin denial, Monsanto conspiracy theories, quackery concerning cancer therapies, etc...

  • Realnews24 ( - focusses on conspiracy theories such as the Codex Alimentarius, Illuminati and other conspiracy theories about (pseudo) science and politics. The website also copies conspiracy theories of the ultraparanoid

  • Rense ( - focusses on conspiracy theories such as aspartame, codex alimentarius, chemtrails, HAARP, Illuminati, New World Order, and David Icke's Reptilian aliens.

  • Set You Free News ( - focusses on conspiracy theories such as Illuminati, New World Order, and others concerning politics and health.

  • The Controlversial Files ( - focusses on conspiracy theories such as chemtrails, Illuminati, alien/human mating and alien "takeovers", ...

  • The Liberty Beacon ( - focusses on conspiracy theories such as chemtrails, New World Order, Codex Alimentarius, and so on.

  • The Liberty Digest ( - focusses on conspiracy theories of political and racist nature, including claims that the US. attacked the Philippines with "weather weapons", aliens who created American money, Agenda 21 conspiracies, etc...

  • The Top Information Post ( - focusses on political conspiracy theories, including New World Order and Illuminati.

  • The Truth Seeker ( - focusses on various conspiracy theories concerning politics, Bilderberg, the New World Order, and Planet X.

  • Transmissions Media ( - a news website pretending to "just give you some truth", but actually just focusses on conspiracy theories such as 9/11, UFO's, HAARP, the"secret space war", ...

  • Truth in Labeling ( - focusses on conspiracy theories concerning aspartame, GMO and other conspiracy theories related to food and health.

    • Truth Media Productions ( - blog which focusses heavily on the "chemtrails" conspiracy theory (more info).

    • Truth Publishing ( - Website of self-proclaimed "Health Ranger" Mike Adams, who uses hoaxes and conspiracy theories as his sources. See also his other website "Natural News".

    • Well Aware 1 ( - Focusses on conspiracy theories concerning government officials (mainly American ones), and attempts to identify nearly every important state person with an actor or actress who shows some facial resemblances, in order to illustrate that various actors are actually terrorists, such as Hitler, Churchill, Obama, and of course the denial of the shooting at the Sandy Hook school in Connecticut (as well as other shootings).

    • What Really Happened ( - focusses on conspiracy theories such as the Illuminati, New World Order, Obama's birth certificate, global warming, Sandy Hook shooting denial, and other paranoia of political and economical nature (meer info).

  • WorldNetDaily ( - self-proclaimed "free press for free people" website which serves as a medium for American extreme conservative right-wing propaganda, as well as conspiracies concerning 9/11, Obama's birth certificate, as well as claims that the Anders Breivik attack was invented and that Obama is building a "death star", and other topics based on highly unreliable sources (more info).

    • World Truth TV ( - focusses on conspiracy theories concerning environment, medicine and politics, as well as the denial of factual information.

    • ZetaTalk ( - focusses on conspiracy theories concerning UFOs, alien abductions, Planet X and chemtrails, as well as other pseudoarchaeology and pseudoscience. The webmaster is Nancy Lieder, who claims to be in communication with "grey aliens" called Zetas, and used to host chats through Godlike Productions (more info).